Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

HBD my bro

Thursday..first day on March 2012
Myspeciall day for my older brother Fikri Nz, this is his birthday. Miss him.. I just lift myhands and make some begs for him to Allah SWT. I hope his whole life will be so usefull and blessing by Him. You are the good brother that i have. Smart, kind, gentle and humanis (hehehe..be carefull flying to the sky ^^). I hope you will get married as soon as possible. Find a good mother for your kids later. Always increase our brain with many knowledge, our discussion about knowledge oneday at our livingroom house makes me feell so motivate to move and move, eventhough sometime many cases that we face everyday comes and try to give any barrier without any permission and take it so rush. But i believe, this's just only the way of Our God to increase our level on Hisview.
Dear Brother, i just wanna say I LOVE U, thanks for all the support, your anxiousness, your advice, your love, your silent. I believe all of our pain will be over by Allah with the miracle one. Just to Him we will back, just His blessing that we need.

your sista

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